Aussie Clear Light is an exterior decking oil and timber finish that protects the hardwoods from the weather. It is the best oil based finish to highlight the natural grain and beauty. This results in a completely natural oiled look.
Aussie Clear Light stabilises timber as it repels moisture, reducing checking or splitting. No film is allowed to form, so peeling or cracking is never a problem. It also inhibits unsightly mould growth with its powerful mouldicide. It has been specially formulated and tinted to use on a broad range of hardwoods.
Aussie Clear Light can be used wherever a clear oil based exterior finish is required. This includes exterior decking, fencing, pergolas, weatherboards, window frames, furniture, cladding or facia.
Aussie Clear Light is for blond to mid toned timber such as Blackbutt, Silvertop Ash, and Cypress Pine.